Attention high school seniors! Are you planning a career in agriculture or conservation? The SDACDE Memorial Scholarship offers three $500 awards to support your education.
Deadline: All applications must be postmarked on or before March 31, 2025
The recipient will be a current year graduate of a South Dakota High School.
The recipient shall have graduated in the upper 50% of the class.
Students must be attending a school in an Agricultural/Conservation-related field in a South Dakota College or Vocational School.
Three (3) $500 Scholarships are offered.
Payment will be rendered to the recipient. The amount of the scholarship is $500 to be paid upon completion of the 2nd semester registration.
The scholarship money will be used for purchasing books or any other college use.
The award will be presented at the recipient's annual school awards program.
Selection criteria:
1. Personal (employment, extracurricular, honors, community service)= 40%
2. Brief description of education and career goals = 30%
3. Academic (grades & class rank) = 10%
4. Letters of recommendation (2) = 10%
5. Financial Need = 10%
SDACDE Memorial Scholarship History:
The South Dakota Association of Conservation District Employees started a Memorial Scholarship Fund in 1995 to honor the memory of past employees and their passion, dedication and commitment to the conservation movement.
The SDACDE is offering three (3) - $500 scholarships. The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage those students concerned with conserving their natural resources by furthering their education in an agricultural/conservation-related field. The scholarship is available to graduating high school seniors who will be attending a 4-year college or vocational school.
Contact Ivy Pazour at 605-472-0102 or