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February 4-6
Grazing Management Workshop in Winner, SD
Where: Holiday Inn Express in Winner, SD
Day 1: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM CT:“How can grass growth be optimized to boost productivity?”
Day 2: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM CT:“Seasonal approach to grazing and harvested forages.”
Day 3: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM CT:“Most benefit from the resources.”
For more information, contact:
Jewell Bork: (605) 669-2222
February 5
Open House for Beginning Farmers and Ranchers
When: Wednesday, February 5, 2025 | 10:30 - 3:00 PM MT
Where: The Monument, Room 206 (444 Mt. Rushmore Rd. N., Rapid City, SD 57701)
Details: Learn about USDA programs, services, and technical and financial assistance. Beginning at 11:00 AM, agency experts will provide an overview of services and resources at the top of each hour.
Topics include:
Beginning Farmers/Ranchers
Specialty Growers
Operating/Farm Ownership Loans
Production Risk Tools
High Tunnel Growing
Soil Sustainability Efforts
Grassland Management
Community and Rural Business Opportunities
For more information, contact:
Gail Gullickson -
Darrel DuVall -
February 5
A Day at the Stock Show: Financial Assistance Opportunities for Women in Agriculture
When: Wednesday, February 5, 2025 | 3:00 – 5:00 PM MT
Where: The Monument, Room 206 (444 Mt. Rushmore Rd. N., Rapid City, SD 57701)
Who: Any woman who produces some type of agricultural product is invited to attend (large or small, urban or rural)!
Cost: Free!! No registration required.
Details: Stop by to learn more about financial assistance opportunities through Natural Resources Conservation Service, Farm Service Agency, and other partners!
Hear from local women producers on how they have used financial assistance on their operations.
Discussion on how financial assistance works, types of projects funded, assistance provided.
Learn more about practices you can install or implement on your operation.
There will be door prizes, networking opportunities, & refreshments!
February 11-12
Grassland Management School in Chamberlain, SD
When: February 11-12, 2025
Where: Cedar Shore Resort, Chamberlain, SD
Details: The SD Grassland Management School is designed to educate landowners on the art and science of grassland restoration and management strategies.
Creating a landowner/agency staff project team
Private Landowner perspective
Planning for objectives: species mixes, wildlife, grazing, pollinators
Chemical history considerations
Site preparation
Case studies/examples over time
February 19
Winter Grazing Workshop in Redfield, SD
When: February 19, 2025 | 10 AM - 3 PM
Where: Spink County 4-H Building, Redfield, SD
Register: Contact Ivy Pazour at (605) 472-0102 Ext 3 or at
This event is free and open to the public, but registration is encouraged!
Event Topics:
Economics of Grazing Systems—Victor Tuschen NRCS State Economist
Late fall grazing range and Bale Grazing—Ryan Beer Producer/NRCS
Grazing Cover Crops in Fall/Winter–Brock Edgar Producer
Virtual Fence—Emily Rohr NRCS State Range Specialist
Planning Winter Grazing– Justin Fruechte Millborn Forage Specialist /Roots to Rumen Podcast
Speaker panel questions and answers