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March 15 - RESCHEDULED to April 5, 9:45 am due to weather
Fruit Tree Trimming Workshop in Watertown, SD
Where: Watertown Regional Library in the Community Room
Time: 9:00 AM CT
Details: This free event features a hands-on workshop with Dr. John Ball, who will demonstrate proper fruit tree trimming techniques. Before the demonstration, Chris Goldade will lead a hands-on seed starting and backyard composting clinic.
Part 1: Presentation at Watertown Regional Library in the Community Room - Chris Goldade, Small Scale and Urban Ag Technician with the South Dakota Soil Health Coalition
Part 2: Demonstration at 6550 9th Ave. SW, Watertown, SD - Dr. John Ball, Professor, SDSU Extension Forestry Specialist & South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Forest Health Specialist
For more information, contact:
Deanna Kunkel at 605-882-4989 ext. 3 or
March 28
Landowner Workshop: Forestry Management in Action in Custer, SD
Where: Argyle VFD Fire Hall (12000 Mountain Lion Ln, Custer, SD)
Time: 10:30 AM MT
Details: Learn about financial assistance programs, tree pests & diseases, wildfire risk reduction, and forest stewardship planning from guest speakers.
Free lunch provided (Sponsored by the South Dakota Family Forests Association).
Field Tour (Weather Permitting): A field tour is planned after lunch.
Register by March 26 by calling (605) 673-5680, emailing, or clicking here.