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The Association's three standing committees are chaired by members of the board of directors. Each of the seven areas selects a conservation district supervisor as their voting representative. Advisory members are appointed by the SDDA-Division of Resource Conservation & Forestry, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Conservation Commission, and SDACD Employees.


District Capacity Committee 

This committee develops guidance and recommends policy concerning the various facets of each conservation district's program, including such items as district organization & development, program planning, contractual arrangements, employee management, and supervisor and employee training. Committee co-chairs are Dean Odden and Gavin Brucklacher.


Public Relations Committee 

This committee promotes understanding and appreciation of conservation and conservation districts. 2 Committee co-chairs are Danny Limmer and Larry Wagner.


Natural Resources Stewardship Committee 

This committee focuses on one or two emerging or ongoing major issues, including identifying and promoting beneficial conservation technology. Committee co-chairs are Drew Anderson and Matt Eichacker.


Ad hoc committees are created as necessary to address specific issues. At the current time, no ad hoc committees are in use.


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South Dakota Association of Conservation Districts

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